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The Power of Love

In the Quechua language, “Munay” means universal love.


“Ki” is from the Japanese word for energy as in life force. 

Together, these words mean The Power of Love. 

As the ten rites of the Munay-Ki germinate, our heart awakens, and we feel empowered to dream an entire new world into being – the world that we yearn for our children’s children to inherit. 

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Karpays  - Rites of Initiation



Receive the Karpays - Rights of Initiation 


Rites of initiation have existed for millennia in traditions from around the world. 

They are energetic transmissions or empowerments, passed from teacher to student or mentor to mentee. 

In the beginning the transmissions were bestowed by luminous beings to humans.

Now the initiation is passed from human to human in the form of seeds. 

The oldest of the Munay-Ki rites have been available for thousands of years while other rites, a few hundred years, and the most recent ones, just decades or years. 

Once you receive the seeds of the rites it is up to you to cultivate the wisdom, and to mature it into fruit-bearing trees to support your awakening, your life, and the world around us!

The Rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the shamans from the Andes mountains, Amazon jungle, and coasts of Perú. 


The Rites of the Munay-Ki


Rite One: The Healer’s Rite

Connects you to a lineage of luminous healers from the past to assist you in your personal transformation, awakening the healing power so that everyone you touch is blessed. We access tremendous spiritual assistance; ancient healers who help heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors.

Rite Two: The Bands of Power

Five energy belts are woven into your luminous energy field for protection. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energies that come toward you into one of the five elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether. Feeding your luminous energy field instead of allowing those energies to disrupt your divine energy flow.

Rite Three: The Harmony Rite

This is a transmission of the 7 Archetypes into the Chakras. First you receive the Archetypes of Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird and Eagle; next you receive three Archangels: the Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious) Huascar, the Keeper of the Middle World (our waking world) Quetzalcoatl, and the Protector of the Upper World (our super-conscious) Pachakuti.

Rite Four: The Seer’s Rite

In this Rite pathways of light connect the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.
The Seer's Rite also helps us to recognize what we tend not to see inside ourselves, the shadow aspects. 


Rite Five: The Day Keeper’s Rite

With this Rite you connect to a lineage of master healers from ancient times. Daykeepers can call on ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth, and on the sun to rise each day, bringing us into harmony with Mother Earth. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.

Rite Six: The Wisdom Keeper’s Rite

You connect to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future. This rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, and experience infinity.

Rite Seven: The Earth Keeper’s Rite

This rite connects you to the Archangels that are guardians of our solar system, stewards of all life on Earth. It lifts you from your earth-bound existence and sets your spirit free to begin your journey to the stars -beginning with the sun, our local star- so you may dream your world into being.

Rite Eight: The Star Keeper’s Rite

This rite helps your physical body to evolve into Homo Luminous; the aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease. You accept the seat around a holy fire at the center of the Sun, a place that has been held for you since the beginning of time.

Rite Nine: The Creator's Rite

This Rite awakens the Creator-light within. It brings stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies. Once you discover that Spirit not only works through you but as you, and all of creation is happening inside you, the stewardship then becomes natural.


My Munay-Ki Lineage

I have received these rites directly from Dr. Alberto Villoldo, his wife Marcella Lobos, Q’ero Shamans and the amazing teachers at the Four Winds Society.

It is my honor to bring you these initiations with deep humility and love.


I offer these Rites both privately and in sacred ceremonial group sessions.


Please check the calendar for group sessions or schedule your private initiation with me with in a Soulful 1:1 Session. The initiations are offered via Zoom. If you desire an in person session, please contact me directly at 847-212-9453.

In Munay,


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Rite of the Womb

Rights of the womb


Divine Feminine Healing

The Rite of the Womb is the 10th Rite of the Munay-Ki and was bestowed by a lineage of women through the spirit of the Amazon Jungle to a beautiful shaman, Marcela Lobos, who would then be responsible for sharing it with the world.  


This gift of healing and life belongs to every woman who wants to receive it.

Together we are a lineage of women who remembers that we did not come to suffer in this life, but to be the Creatresses of our deepest longings and destinies.

This lineage of women freed themselves from suffering and want us to remember:

The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.

After receiving the Rite and Nurturing it’s truth, the womb no longer carries the memories of pain and sorrow.

The forgotten wisdom of the womb is restored, and we become the Creatresses of the world we long for our children’s children to experience.

Any woman eager to remember in her body this vital truth can receive the rite.

Once she receives the Rite of the Womb, she becomes one with the lineage of Womb Keepers.



In becoming womb keepers, we also become stewards of life. 

Our children are no longer the children of fear and conflict, but the children of light with a natural inclination to be an Earth Keeper.

The womb keeper's lineage invites us to heal our womb.

Let’s heal our womb; let’s heal our mother’s, sister’s, and daughter’s wombs.   
In this way, let’s offer healing to Mother Earth and all living beings.

I offer this initiation both privately and in sacred ceremonial group sessions.  Please check the calendar for group sessions or schedule your private initiation with a  Soulful 1:1 Session. The initiations are offered  via Zoom. If you desire an in person session, please contact me directly at 847-212-9453.

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